Michael Conneely

Michael Conneely

Western and Vedic Astrologer + Shamanic Healer

Shamanic Healing Sessions:

Ancestors Healing
Connect with the spirits of your ancestors to heal generational patterns, receive guidance, and release inherited trauma. By working with ancestral energy, you can resolve long-standing family issues and gain insight into your lineage, helping to restore balance in your life and for future generations.

A traditional Shamanic practice that provides insight into life questions by interpreting symbols and omens. Through divination, you gain clarity about the present, past, or future, allowing you to make informed decisions and see new paths forward.

Intrusions, Curses, and Thought Forms Healing
This session focuses on removing negative energies, curses, and harmful thought forms that may be affecting your mental, physical, or spiritual health. These energetic disturbances can create blockages, anxiety, or even illness. Clearing these energies helps restore peace and harmony.

Shamanic Extraction Healing
Shamanic extraction removes harmful foreign energies or entities that have become attached to your energetic field. This process cleanses your aura and restores balance, allowing for a free flow of positive energy. After the extraction, the practitioner may use energy healing to seal the aura and prevent future intrusions.

Soul Retrieval Healing
Trauma can cause parts of your soul to fragment, leaving you feeling disconnected or incomplete. Soul retrieval restores these lost parts, helping you to reclaim your personal power, emotions, and talents. This session fosters deep healing and reintegration, bringing a renewed sense of wholeness.

Healing Your Shadow
Shadow work focuses on integrating the unconscious parts of yourself—often containing suppressed emotions or hidden power. By confronting and healing these aspects, you can unlock your true potential and resolve internal conflicts stemming from past experiences or even past lives.

Power Animal Retrieval
Power animals act as spiritual allies, offering guidance, protection, and strength. In a Power Animal Retrieval session, you will reconnect with your power animal, which will provide you with spiritual support and help you overcome life’s challenges. This relationship enhances your personal power and offers insights for growth.

About Michael and the Druid Forest School

The whole emphasis of the Druid Forest School is on identifying and shattering blocks which hold us back, and ‘concrete prisons in the mind’ that limit us: conditioning we need to leave behind, magical transformation we now need to make!!!

Michael Conneely has Irish ancestry on his mother’s side: Cashleen, Co Galway, Ireland,
plus Baltic Ancestry on his Father’s side: Danzig and before that Yakutsk: Arctic White Sea coast near Archangel.

It was these two spiritual traditions he was drawn to learn and then teach in these courses.

Michael works as a Western and Vedic Astrologer plus Shamanic Healer.

He has five university degrees on English, Psychology and Sociology, including and Oxford MA. He has completed a five-year university based ethnographic field study of the reception of spiritual forms new to the modern West, centered mainly on Glastonbury, England and encompassing receptions of Hinduism, Buddhism (Tibetan and Theravada), Paganism, Shamanism and Utopian Community.

He lives in the beautiful West of Ireland with his wife, Healer Maggie Pashley, and he runs Sacred West of Ireland Tours to the Sacred Sites.

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