Privacy Policy


Wellness Concierge, LLC, dba OurWell (OW) believes that privacy is the foundation of any successful business relationship, both on and offline. OW only processes data to the extent it is necessary to run its business and to provide its goods and services to you. This Privacy Policy outlines what personal data we collect about you, how that data is collected, why it is collected, for what purposes it is used, and how it is stored. This policy governs the data processed through OW or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, or assigns. Should you ever wish to know what data is collected about you or wish to have any of your personal data deleted, please send an email to To be removed from our e-mail subscription, simply click on the link included in any promotional e-mail while connected to the Internet, or send an e-mail to and indicate that you no longer wish to receive a OW subscription email.

OW may request, collect, and safely store the following personal data you have provided to us only for the purposes of delivering our products and services to you:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Date of Birth
- Email Address
- Billing/Payment information

Please note that this information (the “Personal Data”) is only collected to the extent you provide it to OW in order to benefit from and receive goods and services from OW. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions and providing your Personal Data at the time of requesting the goods and services from OW, you hereby acknowledge and agree that OW is obtaining this Personal Data for the specific purposes set out herein.

Outside of Personal Data that you have specifically provided to OW, OW may, from time to time, collect additional data from your access to its websites or your use and interaction with its emails (the “Usage Data”). By using the websites and subscribing to the emails, you hereby acknowledge, agree, and consent to OW’s processing of the following information, which could be used to directly or indirectly identify you:

Tracking Technology OW logs IP addresses (a unique number assigned to every computer on the Internet) in order to improve security, analyze trends, and efficiently administer the Site to provide its customers with the best experience possible. We may track your movement within the Site, the pages from which you were referred, access times, and browser types. We only use this information in aggregate and do not link it to you personally unless you explicitly consent to our email subscription service (the “Subscription”) and become a subscriber. To gauge the effectiveness of our Site, we do collect some generic information about our visitors. Our web servers automatically recognize a visitor's domain name, the web page from which a visitor enters our Site, which pages a visitor visits on our Site, and how much time a visitor spends on each page. We may use anonymous tracking technologies to collect, store, and sometimes track information for statistical purposes and to improve the products and services we provide. We aggregate this information and use it to evaluate and improve our Site. We store information that we collect through cookies, log files, clear gifs, and/or third party sources, for instance, to verify your address or update your information and to create a "profile" of your preferences. For our customers and subscribers, we tie your personally identifiable information that you voluntarily disclose to us to information in the profile, in order to provide tailored promotions and marketing offers and to improve the content of the Site for you.

Cookies A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user's computer for record-keeping purposes. We use cookies on this Site. We use session ID cookies and persistent cookies. We use session cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our Site. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. You can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in your Internet browser's "help" file. Persistent cookies are used to differentiate subscribers from non-subscribers to customize the content of certain sections of the website and enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our Site. If you reject cookies, you may still use our Site, but your ability to use some areas of our Site, such as promotions or surveys, may be limited. Some of our business partners (e.g., vendors or advertisers) use cookies on our site. We have no access to or control over these cookies. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by this Site only and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

Web Beacons Web beacons are single pixel gifs. We use web beacons on our Site and in our Subscription emails. When we send emails to subscribers, we may track information such as who opened the emails and who clicked the links. This allows us to measure the performance of our email campaigns and to improve our features for specific segments of subscribers. Web beacons allow us to collect information about when you open the email, your IP address, your browser or email client type, and other similar details.

Sweepstakes or Promotions From time to time we may provide you the opportunity to participate in sweepstakes or other promotions on our Site, which might be sponsored or conducted by a third party and if so, such sponsorship will be disclosed to you. If you participate, we will request certain personally identifiable information from you. Participation in these sweepstakes is completely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information. If you voluntarily disclose any personal information to participate, you are doing so with explicit consent to the contract governing such sweepstakes or promotions and the Terms and Conditions of this Site. We may share personal information with certain sponsors and ad partners that you have explicitly requested to receive information from. It will be clear at the point of collection who is collecting the personal information and whose Privacy Policy will apply. By providing information for these purposes, you are consenting to the Privacy Policy of the third party disclosed to you.

Tell-A-Friend & Forward-To-A-Friend We may from time to time conduct a referral service to introduce people you know to our Site and services. If you choose to use our referral service to tell a friend about our Site, we will ask you for your friend's name and e-mail address. We will automatically send your friend a one-time e-mail inviting him or her to visit the Site and your friend may choose to opt-in to our Subscription or may ignore the email. If your friend ignores the email, they will not receive any more Subscription emails and their email address and name will be deleted from OW’s database. OW anonymously stores this information for the purpose of tracking the success of our referral program.

Surveys We may from time to time provide a survey for our subscribers to fill out providing us with personal demographic information to us. We encourage you to submit this information, so we can provide you a more personalized experience on our Site, but participation is entirely voluntary and the information provided is done so only with your consent and subject to our Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy.

Third-Party Links We encourage you to be aware of third-party links on our Site and when you leave our Site. Once you have clicked out of the Site, this Privacy Policy no longer applies. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each and every website that you visit or provide personal information to. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by our Site.


OW’s Business Purposes
OW uses your Personal Data and your Usage Data in order to provide you with the goods and services you requested and/or purchased from OW.  

Vendors OW employs other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf, such as providing the goods and services requested. Specific examples might include fulfilling orders, sending subscription emails, updating the customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links, and providing customer service. They have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.

Email Newsletter (Subscription) If you wish to subscribe to our promotional email newsletter, please provide your name, zip code, and e-mail address.  We will use this information to send the promotional offers that we think you will find valuable. If you would like to change your subscription status or unsubscribe, you may do so by emailing

Third-Party Offers We share personally identifiable information with third parties in order to have them send you special offers and promotions that we think you might find of interest. We will also occasionally send you information on products, services, special deals, or promotions which we have found that are of interest to our readers. If you do not want OW to use the information you provide in order to inform you of products and services that might be of interest to you or to provide your information to third-party companies, you can make your preference known by emailing   Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.  OW will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer or your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a county unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information. 

Exceptional Circumstances If OW or any of its lines of businesses or affiliated companies, is sold or disposed of as a going concern, whether by merger, sale of assets or otherwise, the relevant customer database of OW could, in whole or in part, be sold as part of that transaction. In the event OW goes through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another company or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your personally identifiable information will likely be among the assets transferred. We also may have to release personally identifiable information when it is necessary to comply with judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, orders, to enforce our Terms of Use, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of OW or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection.

Record Retention OW retains your Personal Data for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, or as required or permitted by applicable law. OW will cease to retain your Personal Data, or remove the means by which the information can be associated with you, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the purposes for which the Personal Data was collected, and is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes. To determine retention periods, OW considers: (a) the need for your Personal Data to secure system backups, (b) legal obligations, including record-keeping requirements, current legal obligations impacting retention (such as contractual obligations, litigation holds, statutes of limitations, and regulatory investigations), and (c) the duration of OW's relationship with you, including any active accounts, bookings, or transactions on our platform.

YOUR CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTSIf you are a California resident, California law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information. To learn more about your California privacy rights, visit:'s "Shine the Light" law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits users of our App that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an email to

OW processes your Personal Data and the Usage Data in order to provide its goods and services to you. The information that you have explicitly provided to OW is the minimum amount of information necessary in order for OW to provide its goods and services to you under the Terms and Conditions, which is the contract governing your use of the Site and your purchases from OW, the sale transaction, and OW’s legitimate business purposes.  Such information has been provided to OW by you and has been given with your explicit consent.  OW only collects what is necessary in order to run its business and provide its customers with their requested goods and services.  By agreeing to this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions and providing your Personal Data at the time of requesting the goods and services from OW, you hereby acknowledge and agree that OW is obtaining this your Personal Data and the Usage Data for the specific purposes set out herein. 

OW’s website is not intended for minors (as defined in applicable data protection laws) and OW cannot distinguish the age of persons who access and use its website. If a minor has submitted Personal Data to OW without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian is encouraged to reach out to OW. If OW becomes aware that Personal Data has been collected from a minor without parental or guardian consent, OW will terminate the minor’s account, if one exists. There are limited circumstances in which OW may need to collect Personal Data from minors, such as during a reservation, or in other exceptional circumstances designed for families. When processing the Personal Data of minors, OW adheres to all applicable laws, and implements strict measures to safeguard such information.

In delivering our services to you, OW may need to disclose Personal Data to relevant travel service providers located overseas. The geographical location of a provider handling your Personal Data depends on the specific travel services provided to you. Typically, such travel service providers will receive your Personal Data in the country where they offer services to you or where their business and management are based. OW ensures that such international transfers are either necessary for the contract's performance between you and the overseas recipient or are conducted with appropriate safeguards as mandated by your local data protection laws, such as GDPR and China cybersecurity laws.It is possible that information will be transferred to an overseas recipient located in a jurisdiction where you will not be able to seek redress under your local data protection laws and that does not have an equivalent level of data protection as in your jurisdiction. To the extent permitted by your local data protection laws, OW disclaims liability for how these overseas recipients handle, store, and otherwise process your Personal Data. 

We reserve the right to modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. The latest version of this Privacy Policy is contained on this Site and indicates the date that it went into effect. You are encouraged to review this Privacy Policy whenever you use this Site to make sure you always understand how your information is used. If changes are made to this Privacy Policy, those changes will be posted prominently on this website and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. A user is bound by any changes to the policy when she or he uses the site after those changes have been posted, explicitly consents to the Privacy Policy, or discloses her or his information to the Site subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

OW aims to take reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend, delete, or limit the use of your Personal Data.  Whenever made possible, you can update your Personal Data by emailing  Should you ever wish to know what data is collected about you or wish to have any of your Personal Data deleted, please send an email to thefuture@ourwell.comand OW may provide this information to you.  To be removed from our e-mail subscription, simply click on the link included in any promotional e-mail while connected to the Internet, or send an e-mail to and indicate that you no longer wish to receive an OW subscription email.

We have security procedures in the storage and disclosure of personal information, which you have given us in order to prevent unauthorized access. Our Site may also contain links to other Web Sites. Keep in mind that OW does not control and is not responsible for the privacy or security practices or the content of these or other Web Sites.

800 North State Street, Suite 402, Dover, DE 19901  
Phone Number: ‪(303) 578-9238‬  
Email Address: